IBFS news

Things to Know About Trusts

These tools allow investors to decide how money and assets will be handled.

How to Use an Employer Stock Plan

But investors should be wise about how much to buy – and when to sell.

How to Stay Tax Compliant as an American Retiree Overseas*

You will probably need to continue to file a U.S. tax return after a move abroad.

Investors Face New Rules to Convert an IRA

There can be tax benefits but the details are more complex now. RETIREMENT SAVERS HAVE long been advised to consider converting traditional IRAs and 401(k)s into tax-free Roth versions, but with the year-end deadline looming the decision has become trickier because of a rule change.

Government Publishes New Proposals for Early Payment of Tax

RSM's Andrew Hubbard looks at government plans to force people to pay tax more quickly.

How much tax will I owe on stocks I sell in 2018? Ask a Fool

There are a couple of possible taxes you'll have to pay.

Tax refunds could be significantly higher next year -- but is that a good thing?

Looking forward to an even larger refund from Uncle Sam? You might get it in 2019 -- but that's not necessarily what you want.

US Treasury outlines tax reforms over $3tn offshore cash pile

US Treasury outlines tax reforms over $3tn offshore cash pile information. Learn about US Treasury outlines tax reforms over $3tn offshore cash pile on Miami Tax Return. Tax information and news help all the time.

EU Expects To Be Excluded From US Steel Tariffs

The EU expects to be excluded from the scope of the US's new tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum, according to the bloc's Vice-President for Jobs.

Bipartisan Support For Territorial US Tax System, BEPS Measures

Orrin Hatch (R - UT) has said that members of Congress from both parties support replacing the US worldwide tax basis system for a territorial tax system.

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