USA econovical news

US franchise job gains bounce back: ADP

U.S. franchise job gains rebounded in June from a 14-month low in May, ADP said Wednesday. Private sector franchise jobs increased by 28,800, or 0.3 percent month over month, led by restaurants and auto parts and dealers. In May, they rose by 14,720.

US Economist: 'The U.S. Economy Is Addicted To Low Rates'

Dr. Mikhail Melnik was recently a guest on #PreMarket Prep, a daily trading idea radio show hosted by Joel Elconin and Dennis Dick.

Basel watchdog proposes bank capital rule to cover interest rate risks

Global banking regulators have proposed two options for forcing banks to hold far more capital to cover risks from rises in interest rates.

The fight over middle-class jobs and free trade

Everyone says they're fighting for American workers in the big trade debate underway in Washington. But that's all they agree on. The Trans-Pacific Partnership proposes to set up a free trade zone around the Pacific Rim, tearing down trade barriers between 12 countries including the United States, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Canada and Mexico.

A Democratic plan for big middle class tax breaks

If you and your spouse make less than $200,000 and have kids, or if you're single and make less than $100,000, you would benefit from new tax proposals put out by a top House Democrat on Monday. But if you're in the top 1% of earners -- meaning you make at least $435,000 -- you'd be footing the bill.

Cheap gas could kill U.S. oil export ban

The recent drop in gas prices may spell the end for a nearly 40-year old ban on U.S. oil exports. The oil industry has been pushing to lift the nation's ban for sometime, but consumer worries about high gas prices have generally made the proposal to lift the ban a nonstarter on Capitol Hill.

Fed official: Dreary days for U.S. economy may be over

After years of disappointment, America's economy may truly be on track. That's the belief of one of America's top economic policymakers, New York Fed President William Dudley.

Obama immigration plan gives micro wage boost

The administration is touting the economic benefits of the president's controversial executive action that would legally permit up to 5 million undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States temporarily. The move will increase productivity, expand the workforce and reduce the deficit, the White House's economic advisers say. And it will have no impact on employment of U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.

US stocks move lower in midday trading as oil's slide weighs on energy stocks

NEW YORK – Stocks are moving lower midday trading, led by declines in the energy sector as the price of oil continues to fall.

Federal Reserve stays on cruise control

The U.S. economy is strengthening but the Federal Reserve remains in cruise control. The Fed decided to once again reduce its monthly bond purchases by $10 billion, as expected.

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