USA econovical news

Wealthiest To Benefit From Half Of Total US Tax Cuts: Study

The recently proposed US tax reform package would benefit the rich but see some middle-class households face higher tax rises, says a new state-by-state analysis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).

David Stockman: Trump tax reform overhaul is a pipe dream, stocks are heading for 40-70% plunge

David Stockman is warning about the Trump administration's tax overhaul plan, Federal Reserve policy, saying they could play into a severe stock market sell-off.

OECD Expands Consultation On Offshore Indirect Transfers Of Assets

The World Bank has released French and Spanish translations of its Toolkit on the taxation of offshore indirect transfers and extended the deadline for feedback to October 20.

Kazakhstan Signs FATCA Agreement with US

Kazakhstan and the United States have signed a Model 1 FATCA Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), which will enable the automatic exchange of financial information on each country's resident taxpayers to support tax enforcement efforts.

US Bill Would Limit IRS Asset Seizures

The National Taxpayers Union (NTU) has called on US lawmakers to support legislation to protect small businesses from "abusive" actions by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

S Korea Rejects US Calls For FTA Renegotiation

South Korea and the United States have failed to reach agreement on the way forward with regard to their existing free trade deal, which US President Donald Trump has criticized and vowed to amend

First Round Of NAFTA Renegotiation Talks Concludes

Canada, Mexico, and the US have released a trilateral statement on the first round of NAFTA renegotiation talks, which they said covered more than two dozen different topics.

Creating US Territorial Tax System Complex, Tax Foundation Says

With a move to a territorial tax system a key Republican proposal for tax reform, the Tax Foundation has warned that lawmakers need to carefully consider how such a system would work for the United States.

Trump Tax Plan Could Cost USD7.8 Trillion In A Decade

The Tax Policy Center (TPC) has released new research that estimates that the Trump Administration's plan for tax reform could reduce federal revenues by as much as USD7.8 trillion over the next decade.

IMF Chimes In On US Tax Reform Plans

The US corporate income tax should be replaced with a rent tax (either a cashflow tax or an allowance for corporate capital tax) with a somewhat lower marginal rate, the International Monetary Fund has said.

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